In develop for over 5 years the Lighting Hollower is fast being considered the most elegant hollowing solution on the market. In a fast growing dynamic field of wood turning. Tools come and tools go but the ones that become a part of the tooling landscape all have one thing in common. They keep the process fun and the challenges within reach.

I developed this rig to solve several frustrating issues that seemed common with other tooling. Personally I wanted a rig that took mere seconds to set up, without a bunch of extra support apparatus needing constant adjustment. Pull out your tool post pop in the Lightning hollower tool gate and you are ready to start hollowing.


I also wanted an easily adjustable laser. A laser that would focus a rock steady dot and put it right where I wanted. First time every time, with no trial and error and no possibility to shifting out of tolerance when the hollowing gets critical. All you do is dial the X-Y axis to precisely where you want it and go. I like to call it, "set it and forget it", adjustment.

Hollowing used to be considered a physically and mentally demanding process but not anymore. The Lighting Hollower makes hollowing easy to learn and a joy to grow your hollowing skills with.



The system comes complete ready to hollow and includes;
-Custom Tool Post tailored to your lathe
-Torque Arresting Gate
-Laser Frame with Handle
-straight Boring Bar with tool bit
-Brass Laser Adjuster
-Laser Pointer and Batteries

When you click the add to cart button you will be taken to the "free" tool post page. Choose your lathe modle and then click the "check out" button. Every thing will be combined and added to the shopping cart.



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